Band of Brother's (BOB) is where men encourage one another to build relationships with God and each other for accountability and to serve faithfully in their home, workplace, and community.
1st Monday of the month @ 6:30pm

Our purpose is to touch the lives of women through Jesus Christ and build them up in their true identity in God! This is all to empower them to do the same to all the other women they encounter!
3rd Monday of the month @ 6:00pm

Children are ministered to through the preaching of God's Word, prayer, puppets, illustrations, life application stories and much more!
Sundays during 2nd service after worship
Kids 1st - 5th grade

Royal Rangers is an activity-based, small-group church ministry for boys and young men in grades K-12 with a mission to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders. Royal Rangers meet every Sunday during 1st service and are split into two classes.
Ranger Kids (Kindergarten - 2nd grade)
Discovery Rangers (3rd grade - 5th grade)
Every first Sunday of the month all classes stay in the church service to hear about the missionaries our church supports and to participate in communion.

Girls Ministries discipleship program that has a legacy of godly women coming alongside girls, guiding them on a path to become mature and godly women. Each age group focuses on learning valuable, godly lessons tailored to their age. We meet every Sunday during 1st service and it is split up into different ages.
Rainbows (3-5yrs old) this class includes boys and girls
Daisies (Kindergarten)
Prims (1st - 2nd grade)
Stars (3rd - 5th grade)

We provide a safe place for children to be
well taken care of through child-directed
play, Bible songs and videos, and snack time.
Sundays | Room 103
Birth - 2 yrs old

We are joyful, jubilant, and Jesus-centered. We teach the Word of God in fun and creative ways! We have fun through worship, Bible stories, and crafts!
Sundays during 2nd service
3 yrs - Kindergarten

We exist to glorify God through music and
arts and serve through Spirit-led worship.
Prayer and Praise Night
Every last Friday of the month at 6:30pm

This ministry is all about sharing the gospel and showing the love of Christ to people around us! There is one recurring event the Evangelism Ministry hosts every month:
Reach + Connect Outreach every 3rd Saturday of the month @ 6:00pm
In Mihama American Village.
For more information on this ministry please contact
Kim & Itsuko McNeill: mcneillandrew1004@gmail.com/rejoiceitsuko@au.com

This ministry is specifically for all our Japanese-speaking church goers. We offer simultaneous translation during our Sunday church services. There is also a women’s bible study that meets every Monday at 10:30am in the Japanese Ministry room and on the last Saturday of the month at 10:00am there is Chai Night Prayer which focuses on praying over the nation of Japan and the nation of Israel.
Please contact Itsuko McNeill if you would like to get involved in this ministry.
Itsuko McNeill: 090-9786-7394

Serving through various events as well as our "Meet and Greet" time where we provide coffee and refreshments in the Fellowship Hall. Our focus is to engage everyone that is here for the first time to ensure they feel welcome and at home!
PALS (Prayer and Loving Support) exists to bless families that are going through hospital stays, surgeries, child-birth, deployments, TAD's, TDY's, and other situations by providing meals and tangible support.